Lan Yue

2_Lan Yue Photo

Lan Yue, PhD, received a B.S. in electronic engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China and subsequently a PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Followed by postdoctoral training with Dr. Mark Humayun in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Southern California, Dr. Yue joined the faculty of the USC Roski Eye Institute in 2016. Dr. Yue’s research focuses on developing novel vision restoration approaches, evaluating the visual outcomes, and decoding the underlying neural mechanisms of the visual system to novel stimulation paradigms. Her group combines neurophysiological methods, psychophysics, and computational modeling to pursue translational research in bioelectronic & biophotonic visual prostheses and gene therapy, with the aim to restore high acuity vision and color vision. Dr. Yue is a recipient of the ARVO Retinal Research Foundation Lawrence travel fellowship grant in 2011 and the Juliette RP Vision Foundation Young Scientist Award in 2016.