Investing in the Future
USC Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Institute for Biomedical Therapeutics is indebted to generous federal, state and industrial support, as well as private philanthropic support for providing us with a strong foundation to build upon. However, our cutting edge and non-conventional research and development platform requires external funding to seed new ideas that will transform how we think of today’s problems and tomorrow’s solutions.
To help us continue making medical breakthroughs, we depend on your philanthropic support as we forge ahead to the next frontier of scientific discovery.
Where Our Funding Goes
- Recruit additional faculty members to join the USC Ginsburg Institute for Biomedical Therapeutics team and exponentially speed up the rate of discovery and direct clinical applications
- Provide innovation funds to foster new untested but promising avenues of investigation
- Incurable neurosensory conditions
To inquire about a gift please contact:
To learn more about the health services at the USC Ginsburg Institute or to support the Institute with a tax-deductible gift, please contact:
Silviya Aleksiyenko, MPA
Senior Director of Development
(213) 610-8573
Next, read how to Contact Us.